Give the Gift of Solidarity The Christmas

Give the Gift of Solidarity The Christmas

This Christmas, not only can you join our movement but you can power it further by giving the gift of solidarity to a friend or family member. 

Powerful movements for racial justice have been won by communities of colour and allies working solidarity to dismantle structural racism. In so-called Australia, a country built white supremacy, genocide and stolen land, this fight is no different. We need a growing community of allies who amplify the voices of people of colour, self-educate about our racist colonial history, be willing to show up and speak out, act as a resource when called upon.

By giving the gift of solidarity (just $30/month), you and your mate will join a community of solidarity. 

3 months will power our federal election campaign to combat racist hate speech and organise against those running on platforms that perpertuate xenophobia and discrimination.

6 months will power our long term “Hate Is Not News” campaign to change the media landscape for the better. We’re calling to boycott Murdoch run press that uses racism to sell newspapers, boost their TV ratings, and decide who wins and loses elections are over. 

12 months will power our deep work with organising communities of colour so that  leaders can run their own campaigns and advocate for themselves rather than being left behind in our democracy. 

You and your mate will receive:

  • A digital racial justice package from us as a thank you for joining our movement space
  • A link to join our solidarity network, where they will be privy to readings and podcasts, as well as opportunities for you to raise the voices of people of colour and show up in different ways like taking on racist trolls online, or marshalling a rally to keep people safe from cops

And crucially, your gift will support powerful campaigns run by and for people of colour.

Give the gift of solidarity today →